
Writeup Soccer Htb

Recognizement First we have to confirm if the machine is active send it a ICMP ping… ping -c 1 And this is the output PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 by...

Kali updating troubles

If you have any trouble to update your VM Kali Linux with response like this: $ sudo apt update Get:1 https://kali.download/kali kali-rolling InRelease [30.6 kB] Err:1 https://kali.download/kali ...

Writeup Photobomb HTB

Recognizement Before to start we have to view if the machine is active throutgh ICMP ping. $ ping -c 1 -------- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms rtt mi...

Writeup Precious HTB

Recognizement First step you have to verify if the machine is active throught an ICMP ping. $ ping -c 1 Nmap After that we’re going to scan it with nmap tool for discover what por...


What’s Nessus? Nessus is an automated security scanning tool used to discover vulnerabilities, ports, and operating systems running on remote devices, including IP/HTTPs protocols. One of the ad...


What is Wpscan tool? WPScan is an open-source tool made with Ruby code that serves us to recognize, enumerate information, and discover vulnerabilities for websites made with Wordpress. It is ac...

Starting Point Tier 0 HTB

Meow Machine (Telnet) Teory What does the acronym VM stand for? Virtual Machine What tool do we use to interact with the operating system in order to issue commands via the command line, suc...